Created a ton of illustrations for TwitchCon 2016, including a lineup of vehicles inspired by classic video games and several large scenic illustrations. Everything based around the theme "The Road to TwitchCon."

The entire project took about six months and was a huge team effort. Plenty of art direction help from the Twitch Design team. Exact credits below in respective areas.

Note: KPPA News logo by Julian Gese

Not Used in final illustrations/animation

Splash page (two versions that were used on
Initial rough sketch

TwitchCon City

Initial sketches - Merch Store + Kappa Theater
Initial sketches - Main Entrance + Twitch HQ
Mid-process shot. I took the WIP into Photoshop and sketched over with next rough steps
Detail shots
Rough build process GIF for Kappa Theater area of TwitchCon City
Wireframe view
entire city model came in at just above 1 million polygons. (1,048,422 to be exact)

Show guide cover (design/layout: Julian Gese)

TwitchCon Badges (design/layout: Julian Gese)
(managed to get a complete set for myself) 

TwitchCon floor plans (design/layout: Skyler Muench) 
Level 1
Level 2

Three mini scenes that can be seen in the animation below
Initial sketches for food court
Main show opener animation done by Matt Gravish. I designed/modeled all of the assets.

A few bonus stills Matt took from his amazing animation. 

A few more fun animations by Matt Gravish.
Animation: Matt Gravish
Modeling & Design: Timothy J. Reynolds

Extra/unused renders
2D/3D collaboration study with Darren Geers (our 2D Illustrator)
I made a height/size chart to help the vendor know how large to print the final hi-res files

Photos courtesy of photographer Robert Paul
Can see tons more here.
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